Our Vision

We believe in Free Choice

Yes, that's why we fell in love with Linux. Not because it challenged the software giants, but because it gives us the freedom to choose what we use, what we create, and to achieve our own dreams - to be a software giant ourselves.

We also believe that our partners and customers should have the choices too. That's why we provide them with the knowledge and information to enable them review their options wisely, and to choose what's best for them, not just what's best for us.

We believe in Symbiosis

We believe that diversity is better than monoculture. We believe that each platform has - and earns - its own place in the software ecosystem. Unix, Windows, Linux, Mac, Java, you name it - they all exist to serve our needs and our customers' needs. We believe that although the platforms will continue struggling for dominancy, they will be more compatible with one another.

It's our task to make sure that we - and our customers - are able to take benefit of the competition, and making the correct decisions on IT investment.

We believe in Innovation

In the last decade, we have witnessed how technology enhancement has made the unthinkable a reality. On the other hand, we also have seen how competition, free software, and even piracy have created different rules of the game.

In today's fast changing business environment, we believe that innovation is the key to survival, which is why we push ourselves to always come up with new solutions to enrich our offering, and to enable our customers do more in their business, within their budget.